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Physician, Heal Thyself – #108

(Season Finale)

The problem of unforgiveness within the church walls hinders spiritual growth, causing pandemic stunts. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that our best actions are like filthy rags compared to God’s holiness (Isaiah 64:6). To stay on course, we must treat each other as fellow sinners in need of God’s grace, just like the porn addict, masturbator, thief, fornicator, rapist, embezzler, murderer, idolater, or adulterer.

Jesus’ interactions show a preference for hanging out with marginalized people, like tax collectors, prostitutes, uneducated fishermen, the blind, the lame, and lepers. Moving forward, we must risk being transparent about our struggles and victories, asking for help without judgment, and battling life’s injuries and sin’s sicknesses together.

We are all patients helping each other experience the same healing we received. By practicing forgiveness, we show the world what real love looks like and how true healing takes place. The church must have the best spiritual emergency care, with a dedicated team of compassionate men and women committed to each patient’s well-being.

We must reclaim the church as a body of Christ, a community of forgiving, administering compassion, healing, and grace to others in need. Jesus said,

I have come not to call respectable and righteous people but sinners and outcasts – (Luke 4:23) and the heavens rejoice over one sinner who repents more than over the 99 respectable people who do not need to repent (Luke 15:7).

May God help this PHYSICIAN (the CHURCH) with enough love, mercy, compassion, and forgiving spirit to bring sinners back home. Thank you for staying with me through this series. I believe God has blessed you.

Shalom, and God bless you.

#MonkReflection #PhysicianHealThyself


  • Esi
    Posted September 18, 2024 at 7:02 am

    What a blessing this series has been to me. God we need your grace, mercy, compassion and favour to accept all our human failings with divine love and seek help while we also support all who need help. Amen. God bless you Father.

  • Anastasia Adjoa Menyawovor
    Posted September 18, 2024 at 7:54 am

    It’s been a short journey with life long lessons. God bless you Fr. Cyril.

  • Evelyn Adu-Mante
    Posted September 18, 2024 at 8:39 am

    Your messages are so inspiring and I pray that I hold on to my Catholic faith and become a great Christian in all standard 🙏. May our gracious God continue to strengthen and bless you Father Cyril 🙏

  • Augustine Dery
    Posted September 18, 2024 at 10:29 am

    In my Christian walk, this series *PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF* has been a profound discovery for myself and has shifted my struggles and perception with the flesh. I will keep reading it as long as this link is available. It has really helped me and will improve my ministry works with others.
    Glory be to God for helping us with this Grace He has deposited in earthly vessels.
    Thank you and God richly bless you (Monk reflection) for bringing understanding to God people.
    My criticality and struggle about human nature has changed.

  • Noella Siebesagr
    Posted September 18, 2024 at 4:46 pm

    I’m truly blessed. God bless you Father

  • Cris,,
    Posted September 19, 2024 at 1:54 pm


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