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Breaking the Silence: The Consequences of Inaction in the House of David

Most often silence is golden. However, there are times when, if you see something you have to say something or do something.

Absalom is dead, (2 Samuel 18:1-14) -This could have been avoided if David had said something and done something when things were wrong and when his children were misbehaving.

1. Amnon raped Tamar– David hears that his son Amnon raped his daughter Tamar, and he does nothing about it. – (2Samuel 13:1-21)

2.Absalom Kills Amnon- Absolom Davids son and brother of Tamar takes matters into his own hands because he feels his dad did not act on the rape of sister and he takes matter into his hands by killing Amnon. David sees all these and is still quiet- (2 Samuel 13:23-38).

3. Absalom goes into a self-imposed exile- Absalom flees into exile and when he returns David welcomes him back as if nothing has happened.

Finally, Absalom wins the hearts of the people and tarnishes the image of his father. He tries taking over the father’s throne and gets himself killed in a failed coup attempt. 

All this could have been averted if David had said something and done something. (2Samuel 15:1-12).

Do not sit and watch things go wrong in your house, in your home, in your workplace, church, on your platform, in your neighborhood and you are quiet. Say something or do something if you don’t then expect the worst.

Sometimes if you see something, you must do something.

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