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In The Wilderness – #105

Wilderness Mentalities to Avoid

1. Becoming Too Comfortable
Be cautious of the Stockholm syndrome, where you become emotionally attached to a negative situation due to stress, dependence, and a need to cooperate for survival. This can lead to comfort in the negative environment and a reluctance to move on. The Israelites experienced this, and God had to urge them to leave the mountain and take possession of their Promised Land (Deuteronomy 1:6-8). Don’t let your current situation become too comfortable. It’s time to say, “I’ve dwelt long enough; I’m moving into my Promised Land of victory.

My dear friend, If you don’t like what is going on in your life, and won’t make the effort to change it, you may have Stockholm syndrome. It’s about time you say, “I’ve stayed long enough on this mountain. Now I’m going into my “Promised Land“—the land where I’ll live in victory and defeat Satan’s plans.” 

I encourage you to get up, take up your mat and walk; don’t let your current wilderness experience be your sleeping place.

2. Free Your Mind
The exodus from Egypt showed that physical freedom is not enough; mental freedom is also crucial. Your mind is your most powerful tool, and the enemy fights you there with mental states like anger, stress, worry, and doubt. These can lead to physical sickness and spiritual bondage. Having the wrong mindset will keep you going around the same mountain instead of making progress. It’s time to free your mind and experience victory over the challenges that have held you back for too long.

Sometimes, we spend years struggling with issues that could have been overcome quickly, had we addressed them promptly. The Israelites, though physically free, remained mentally enslaved. This echoes J.J. Rousseau’s words: “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains“. The chains had moved from their bodies to their minds. Bob Marley’s wisdom rings true: “We’ve got to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery… none but ourselves can free our mind“.

Mental slavery is the most insidious form, causing us to:

– Feel fear when there’s no reason to
– Believe Satan or others are against us, despite God’s spiritual freedom
– See scarcity in abundance
– Focus on the negative, ignoring the silver lining

It’s time to break free from mental bondage. Renew your mind and shatter the chains that hold you back.

Remember, your mind is a powerful tool; use it to overcome your wilderness experience and move into your Promised Land of victory. Don’t let negative mentalities hold you back.

3. End the Grumbling and Complaining
I encountered the Israelites between Elim and Sinai, expecting to find a jubilant people, full of faith and hope, celebrating the Lord’s wonders. Instead, I found them grumbling, murmuring, complaining, and bitter towards Moses, who only wanted their well-being. Shockingly, they romanticized their days of slavery, accusing Moses of trying to kill them by leading them out of Egypt. This toxic attitude prolonged their wilderness experience and hindered their progress.

It’s time to let go of:

– Grumbling: constant complaining
– Murmuring: quiet, resentful discontent
– Bitterness: harbouring anger and resentment
– Ungratefulness: failing to appreciate God’s blessings
– Complaining: focusing on problems, not solutions

Replace these with gratitude, trust, and faith in God’s plan. Break free from the cycle of negativity and move forward in hope and joy.

Question: Why do people forget that God’s interventions in their lives are meant to build confidence in His ability to come through for them in every situation?

The Israelites’ grumbling and complaining had severe consequences:
– They opened doors for the enemy, and many died from snake bites (Numbers 21:5-6)
– A plague struck, claiming 14,700 lives (Numbers 16:49)

Are you grumbling, complaining, and being ungrateful to God due to your current situation? Philippians 2:14 encourages us to do everything without complaining or arguing.

Instead of grumbling, murmuring, bitterness, and ingratitude, remember God’s wonders in your life. Recognize that the same God who saw you through past challenges will see you through your current one.

Stay tuned for the season finale…

May you have peace, joy, and God’s blessings.

1 Comment

  • David Agana
    Posted October 23, 2024 at 12:22 pm

    God bless you Man of God. 🙌

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